Euroarce began in 1995 of a shareholder with the Penta Srl Italian company, which culminated in early 1996 with the acquisition of 100% of capital. Later the name became Euroarce Srl, production center in Civita Castellana (Viterbo) and a sales office in Sassuolo (Modena).
The center of Civita Castellana specializes in the production of pastes and glazes for sanitary ceramics. Euroarce pastas delivered daily direct casting more than thirty companies, from medium-sized factories till almost handcrafted. In many cases we supply 100% raw materials consumed by our customers, and we are their main support.
This is a demanding test for the ability of our technicians and reliability of our products and is ultimately a source of learning and continuous improvement.
In addition to the normal functions of strict control of raw materials and final product, Civita Euroarce laboratory responsible for the R + D + ia intergroup level within the health sector. For that it has a pilot plant for the production of sanitary lines collage has low and medium pressure, drying facilities and glazed and oven cooking.