In 1.989, and within an overall process of industrial diversification SAMCA began to study the possibilities of Teruel clays in ceramics, and more specifically, in the nearby Castellón tile sector.
The rest is our little story. We have slowly but steadily become Spanish leaders in ceramic raw materials, and a first reference at a European level.

Some of its most significant milestones:
1989. Creation of "Euroarce, Compañía Europea de Arcillas".
1991. Building of the plant for washing and processing ball clays in Ariño (Teruel)
1994. Acquisition of Compania Minera del Rio Piron in Navas de Oro (Segovia)
1995. Installation of grinding and spray drying plant at Onda (Castellón)
1996. Acquisition of Penta Srl at Civita Castellana (Italy)
1998. Acquisition of Coloresmalt SA at Alcora (Castellón)
2000. Start up of the plant of ceramic bodies for tableware in Oia (Portugal), sold in 2007
2002. Acquisition of ABSA in Tamame de Sayago (Zamora) and installation of new clay washing plant
2003. Ariño: new clay processing plant and rotary kiln.
2007. New facilities for mixing, grinding and storage at Onda.
2009. Acquisition of site and plant of Sica at Arguisuelas (Cuenca), together with the acquisition in 2010 of the nearby site of Sibelco in the same town.